DOI: 10.1055/b-002-41835
Gavilán, Javier; Herranz, Jesús; DeSanto, Lawrence W.; et al.: 2002

Functional and Selective Neck Dissection

Print ISBN 9781588900166 · Online ISBN 9781604060683
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Herausgeber: Gavilán, Javier; Herranz, Jesús; DeSanto, Lawrence W.; Gavilán, César

Titel: Functional and Selective Neck Dissection

Print ISBN: 9781588900166; Online ISBN: 9781604060683; Buch-DOI: 10.1055/b-002-41835

Fachgebiete: HNO-Heilkunde, Phoniatrie, Audiologie;Kopf- & Halschirurgie

Thieme Clinical Collections (English Language)

CHAPTER 1 Historical Outlook
CHAPTER 2 Rationale and Anatomical Basis for Functional and Selective Neck Dissection
CHAPTER 3 Conceptual Approach to Functional and Selective Neck Dissection
CHAPTER 4 Surgical Technique
CHAPTER 5 Hints and Pitfalls
CHAPTER 6 Complications
CHAPTER 7 Frequently Asked Questions