Zebrowski, Patricia M. et al.: 2022 Stuttering and Related Disorders of Fluency DOI: 10.1055/b-0042-189417
Section II Processes Associated with Stuttering

6 Temperamental and Emotional Processes

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Editors: Zebrowski, Patricia M.; Anderson, Julie D.; Conture, Edward G.

Authors: Ames, Angharad; Arnold, Hayley S.; Beal, Deryk; Beilby, Janet; Below, Jennifer E.; Byrd, Courtney; Choi, Dahye; Coleman, Craig; DiLollo, Anthony; Eggers, Kurt; Fortier-Blanc, Julie; Franken, Marie-Christine; Garbarino, Julianne; Gerlach-Houck, Hope; Gillis, Corrin I.; Hall, Nancy E.; Hearne, Anna; Herring, Caryn; Jackson, Eric S.; Johnson, Kia Noelle; Jones, Robin; Kelly, Ellen M.; Kraft, Shelly Jo; LaSalle, Lisa; Logan, Kenneth J.; Maguire, Gerald; Millard, Sharon; Nil, Luc F. De; Ntourou, Katerina; Ratner, Nan Bernstein; Reichel, Isabella; Rodgers, Naomi; Scott, Kathleen Scaler; Singer, Cara M.; Sønsterud, Hilda; Tendera, Anna; Theys, Catherine; Tumanova, Victoria; Usler, Evan; Wagovich, Stacy; Yaruss, J. Scott; Zengin-Bolatkale, Hatun

Title: Stuttering and Related Disorders of Fluency

Print ISBN: 9781684202539; Online ISBN: 9781684202638; Book DOI: 10.1055/b000000273

Subjects: Otorhinolaryngology, Phoniatrics, Audiology

Thieme Clinical Collections (English Language)

Robin Jones, Kurt Eggers, and Hatun Zengin-Bolatkale


The purpose of this chapter is to describe and discuss temperamental and emotional processes that are associated with developmental stuttering. In doing so, the chapter will provide a definition, brief history, and broad overview of temperament, as well as emotional reactivity and regulation processes, serving as the foundation for readers to better understand the relation between these processes and stuttering. Building on this foundation, the chapter will review empirical evidence and theoretical perspectives on the role of temperamental and emotional processes in developmental stuttering along with potential clinical considerations for assessment and treatment. At the outset, it should be noted that while this chapter is designed to cover the lifespan, it will primarily focus on children because this age range has been studied the most with regard to temperamental and emotional processes.

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  • 1c Conture EG, Walden TA. Dual diathesis-stressor model of stuttering. In: Beliakova L, Filatova Y, eds. Theoretical Issues of Fluency Disorders. Moscow: Vlados; 2012:94–127
  • 2c Smith A, Weber C. How stuttering develops: the multifactorial dynamic pathways theory.. J Speech Lang Hear Res 2017; 60 (9) 2483-2505 PubMed (PMID: 28837728)
  • 1d Conture EG, Kelly EM, Walden TA. Temperament, speech and language: an overview.. J Commun Disord 2013; 46 (2) 125-142 PubMed (PMID: 23273707)
  • 2d Jones R, Choi D, Conture E, Walden T. Temperament, emotion, and childhood stuttering.. Semin Speech Lang 2014; 35 (2) 114-131 PubMed (PMID: 24782274)
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  • 3e Eggers K, Millard S, Kelman E. Temperament and the impact of stuttering in children aged 8–14 years.. J Speech Lang Hear Res 2021; 64 (2) 417-432 PubMed (PMID: 33465312)
  • 4e Kristal J. The temperament perspective: working with children’s behavioral styles. New York, NY: Paul H Brookes Publishing; 2005