Zebrowski, Patricia M. et al.: 2022 Stuttering and Related Disorders of Fluency DOI: 10.1055/b-0042-189416
Section II Processes Associated with Stuttering

5 Neural and Physiological Processes

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Editors: Zebrowski, Patricia M.; Anderson, Julie D.; Conture, Edward G.

Authors: Ames, Angharad; Arnold, Hayley S.; Beal, Deryk; Beilby, Janet; Below, Jennifer E.; Byrd, Courtney; Choi, Dahye; Coleman, Craig; DiLollo, Anthony; Eggers, Kurt; Fortier-Blanc, Julie; Franken, Marie-Christine; Garbarino, Julianne; Gerlach-Houck, Hope; Gillis, Corrin I.; Hall, Nancy E.; Hearne, Anna; Herring, Caryn; Jackson, Eric S.; Johnson, Kia Noelle; Jones, Robin; Kelly, Ellen M.; Kraft, Shelly Jo; LaSalle, Lisa; Logan, Kenneth J.; Maguire, Gerald; Millard, Sharon; Nil, Luc F. De; Ntourou, Katerina; Ratner, Nan Bernstein; Reichel, Isabella; Rodgers, Naomi; Scott, Kathleen Scaler; Singer, Cara M.; Sønsterud, Hilda; Tendera, Anna; Theys, Catherine; Tumanova, Victoria; Usler, Evan; Wagovich, Stacy; Yaruss, J. Scott; Zengin-Bolatkale, Hatun

Title: Stuttering and Related Disorders of Fluency

Print ISBN: 9781684202539; Online ISBN: 9781684202638; Book DOI: 10.1055/b000000273

Subjects: Otorhinolaryngology, Phoniatrics, Audiology

Thieme Clinical Collections (English Language)

Deryk Beal, Evan Usler, and Anna Tendera


Over the past century, investigations into the underlying mechanisms of developmental stuttering have advanced considerably to reveal a complex neurophysiology. A greater understanding of the neural and physiological processes associated with stuttering is relevant not only for those with a natural curiosity of the theoretical neurophysiological underpinnings of the disorder but also for those who seek to improve client education and treatment. A clear description of the neurophysiology of stuttering will shed light on potential causes, developmental trajectories, and may improve the effectiveness of stuttering treatment. The purpose of this chapter is to describe and discuss the neural and physiological processes underlying developmental stuttering. The chapter begins with an introduction to how the brain controls stuttering, followed by a multileveled analysis across the various levels of physiology: (1) perceptual disfluency; (2) articulatory, laryngeal, and respiratory dynamics; (3) neuromuscular activation; (4) electrocortical activation; and (5) brain regions and networks. The chapter concludes with a discussion of the theoretical and treatment implications of these findings, as well as a glance into potential future research directions regarding the neural and physiological processes of developmental stuttering.

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