DOI: 10.1055/s-00000028

International Journal of Sports Medicine

Ausgabe 03 · Volume 02 · August 1981 DOI: 10.1055/s-002-9260

Costill, D. L.; Coté, R.; Fink, W. J.; Van Handel, P.: Muscle Water and Electrolyte Distribution During Prolonged Exercise
Ivy, J. L.; Costill, D. L.; Van Handel, P. J.; Essig, D. A.; Lower, R. W.: Alteration in the Lactate Threshold with Changes in Substrate Availability*
Komi, P. V.; Ito, A.; Sjödin, B.; Wallenstein, R.; Karlsson, J.: Muscle Metabolism, Lactate Breaking Point, and Biomechanical Features of Endurance Running*
Stegmann, H.; Kindermann, W.; Schnabel, A.: Lactate Kinetics and Individual Anaerobic Threshold*
Dickhuth, H.-H.; Simon, G.; Heiss, H. W.; Lehmann, M.; Wybitul, K.; Keul, J.: Comparative Echocardiographic Examinations in Sitting and Supine Position at Rest and During Dynamic Exercise*